Garden of Time
Photographs and sculptures, 2014–2017

The Garden of Time, Airbrushed glazed ceramics, powder coated steel cabinet, polished aluminum, 2015

My Friends are Heavy Metal
Cast bismuth and tin, enamel paint, 2017

All the Best, airbrushed ceramics and found objects, 2017
Central Park, Los Angeles



Sign, found keychains, metal hooks, plywood
Los Angeles Community College, 2014

Tin Man, 2016, cast bismuth on printer paper and concrete blocks
NowSpace, Los Angeles

Bigfoot, 2016

Fossil and Erasers, 2016

Mechanism, 2016



Snake (Forever), sand, concrete, pigment, 2017

Thyme, 2015, pigment print

Anticipating High Tide, (album covers for Ross Hansen's display)
Pigment prints, cardboard, plastic, 2017, Central Park, Los Angeles


Concrete Portal, pigment print, 2014